7 ways to know your customer on this Get to know your customers day

February 28, 2019
Get to know your customers

Every third Thursday of each quarter is observed as get to know your customers day. Remember when you had to walk down the street to buy stuff from the locally owned store?

The shop owners knew you by name back then. They knew your preferences, your shopping habits.

Owners always knew their customers. And this was their USP. We as humans like familiar faces; people preferred going back to those shops.

Most of the business & shopping is now online. Customers today connect with the brand and not the CEO of the brand. Their interaction is with the brand.

Today a brand or a company or business is the first point of contact for your customers. And essentially the last too.

But wait, we are talking about getting to know your customers, right?

Well, yes. And that is exactly why your brand plays an essential role. Today, as a company or a business it is not possible for you to remember each and every customer’s name, preferences or habits personally.

This is where get to know your customers comes in. Brands need to ask questions, observe shopping patterns, and store data of the customer in order to provide bespoke experiences.

So, how exactly do you get to know your customers better? The answer lies in asking the right questions.

Here are 7 ways to know your customers better this Get to know your customers day

1. How are we doing?

This will put you in the right direction. Once you get an answer, ask them why do they think so. The answer to your why will open new perspectives about what your customers have and what they want.

2. What could we do better?

Your customers shop from you, because they know your brand. No one better than your customers can point out what you lack and what they want.

3. Ask them about your products; get reviews

Apart from how your business is doing, ask your customers about a particular product. Get their opinion on which product or service needs improvement and why.

4. Create surveys and offer rewards in return

Surveys are one of the best ways to know what people think and perceive about your business. Create uncomprehensive surveys to get an idea of their understanding and how they feel about the products or services. In order to make them participate, offer small rewards.

5. Leverage negative reviews to repeat purchase

A negative review from your buyer is a great opportunity in disguise. When someone leaves a negative review, they know exactly what is lacking. They are unhappy because your brand was not able to meet their expectations.

An unhappy customer spills all her expectations out in the open. Nothing can be better than this if taken positively. Their review lays out exactly what they want. Pick those points, apologize for the inconvenience, offer them what they were expecting, make them feel important and treat them as a special case.

There you have successfully gained a potential customer who proves beneficial for your business.

6. Start Quora Excavation

Quora is one gem of a place when it comes to sharing personal opinions and experiences.

A question goes likes this: How does one become successful in business?

One popular Quora writer shared his personal experience with a business on how poor customer service took the store out of business and how one store went on to create a chain of stores with excellent customer service.

Businesses have a strong presence on Quora. Users freely share their experiences mentioning the brand. With a huge number of people flocking towards Quora, a positive experience about a brand or product can go a long way.

7. The Social Media powerhouse

Make Social Media your best friend and you will never regret this friendship. Today, the amount of people on Social Media is insurmountable.

Opinions, experiences, apprehensions, rumors are taken seriously and it doesn’t take time for them to influence a larger audience base.

Find out what people are talking about. Hold conversations with your customers. Look for topics that spark interest, you never know which topic, product or a comment may go viral.


People will forget your offers, your discounts or maybe anything else for that sake. They will never forget how someone made them feel.

A good customer service goes a long, long way.

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