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Valentine’s Day Shoppers Trends 2017
- After Christmas and Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day is the highest grossing holiday on the charts, with $20 billion in consumer spending.
- 55% of Americans Celebrate Valentine’s Day in 2016
- 90.8% are going to buy a Valentine’s Day Gift for their significant other or spouse
Most popular and frequently given gifts
Cards – 52.1%
Candy – 47.5%
Dining out – 34.6 %
Flowers – 34.3%
Jewelry – 17.3%
Apparel – 14.4%
Gift Cards – 12.6%
Other Gifts – 11.2%
- 91.1% gifts given to a Significant other or spouse
Additional Gifts given to shower love on:
59% to other family members
22% to Friends
20% to Children’s Classmate or teachers
19% to pets
12% to co-workers
9% to secret love or admiration
Average spends:
- Men splurge more than women
Man - $196
Woman - $100
Other than their significant others, an average amount spent to purchase gifts for others such as:
- Family members like children and parents: $27.79
- Children’s classmates and teachers or co-workers: $5.83
- Gifts for four legged friends is on the rise and is now a $681 million industry
Shopping Fever:
- Unlike Christmas Valentine’s Day Shopping fever climbs only two weeks ahead of the day
- 46% purchases happens early in February
- 30% Americans are late planners for Valentine’s Day as much as until 14th February
- Clicks spikes between 7th Feb – 14th Feb 2014
- 3 out of 10 people purchase gift on Valentine’s Day
E-commerce Vs Retail
- 28% of Shoppers found a gift for their beloved’s on an online store
- Brick and mortar florists declined by 41% since 2001
- 6% increase in sales reported by online floral shops in last 5 years
Valentine’s Day had made its place as one of the most important days for the ecommerce industry. Online retailers should not miss out on this important day wherein your customers are looking for a gift for a special someone or loved ones. Valentines Day Shopping latest trends that are set to raise the shopping fever in 2017.